Offline Alexa Devices: Inpatient Room Set Up

This post outlines the set up of the offline Alexa devices in inpatient rooms. For more information on the design of the offline Alexa devices, see this post. The set up of these devices is based on implementation at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute. This project was done in partnership with Courage Kenny and Cummins Inc. 

Nurse Call Set Up

The offline nurse call device needs to be connected to the call light system via a 1/4" male to male mono jack cord. One of the 1/4" stereo jacks on the call light device will be used for this. The additional 1/4" mono jack port is for a manual call light option, such as a sip-and-puff or tent switch. It is highly recommended that a secondary call light access method is connected for safety purposes, as voice access is only meant as an alternative option. The call light box should be secured against the wall. This can be accomplished using high strength Velcro. It is best to secure as close as possible to the call light system, and ensure it is in a location that it wont get knocked into by patients or staff. The call light device needs to be powered, so ensure that an open power outlet is nearby. Make sure to label the device clearly to ensure it doesn't get unplugged by staff or patients. The manual call light will still work if the call light is unplugged from power, but the voice activated call light device will not. 

Velcro the call light device to the wall near the call light system

Plug the 1/4" mono cord into the call light system from the call light device

The open port (right) is for connecting the additional call light option

Television Device Set Up

The offline television device needs to be connected to power, so ensure an open power outlet is nearby. The infrared blaster on the offline television device is the purple LED coming out from the top of the case. These LEDs have a long range but do not have a wide dispersion. Therefore, the offline TV device can be placed a good distance from the TV, but needs to be pointed in the direction of the receiver. If the TV is not in direct line of site of the LED, the TV will not receive the IR codes being sent from the device. In order to allow the offline television device to be directed towards the TV, Loc-Line can be used. Two Loc-Line Mounting Discs  can be used to secure the offline television device to the Loc-Line and wall with Velcro, as shown in the pictures below. Then bend the Loc-Line to aim the IR transmitter at the TV. 

Velcro the television device to the wall using Loc-Line

Adjust the Loc-Line so the IR emitter is pointed directly at the TV

Alexa Device Set Up

Ensure that the Alexa device is positioned close enough to the patient's bed, which will make voice access most effective. Do not position the Alexa near speakers for the TV, as that will interfere with voice access when the television is on. Make sure the commands for the call light and television devices are posted in the room where they are able to see them clearly. Also educate them that no other features of Alexa will be available, other than the call light and TV, since Alexa is offline. 

Set up the Alexa device near the bed, away from loud devices

Complete set up including both the call light and television devices


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